Madonna plans documentary on Israeli-Arab conflict

Publié le par madonnafansworld

Madonna projette un documentaire sur le conflit israélo-arabe.

After her documentary about Malawi shows in Cannes, pop diva plans her next project about children in Middle East
Amir Kaminer Published:  05.23.08, 09:02 / Israel Culture

CANNES - Madonna told Yedioth Ahronoth Friday that she is planning to shoot a documentary film about the Arab-Israeli conflict together with her former gardener and part-time nanny, Nathan Rissman.
Rissman also directed the diva’s latest film, “I Am Because You Are,” about the pop star’s visit to Malawi, where she adopted her son David.
Madonna said that while working on the film, she watched an Israeli documentary about Israeli and Palestinian children studying at the same school, and was very moved by it.
Madonna and Rissman said that their next documentary project about the Middle East will focus on children, since the subject matter is a top priority for Madonna. Rissman said Madonna’s strong maternal instinct lead her to try and help children have a better future. The Middle East and the Israel-Arab conflict are matters close to the star’s heart.
Regarding her upcoming concert tour and the possibility of performing in Israel, Madonna said she is still unsure whether she will be able to make it to Israel, but the matter is still being examined.

Source: y net news.

Publié dans Movies

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