Madonna Brings Lourdes To ''Nine'' Premiere (PICTURES)

Publié le par madonnafansworld

Madonna amène Lourdes à la première de "Nine" (IMAGES).

First Posted: 12-15-09 11:18 PM | Updated: 12-16-09 12:05 AM

Madonna brought oldest daughter Lourdes, who wore Doc Martens, to the New York premiere of "Nine" Tuesday night.
No word where Madonna's boytoy Jesus Luz was.
Madonna and child also posed with friend Jessica Seinfeld.

Source: Huffington Post.

Madonna Brings Lourdes To ''Nine'' Premiere (PICTURES)
Madonna Brings Lourdes To ''Nine'' Premiere (PICTURES)
Jessica Seinfeld, Madonna and Lourdes.

Publié dans Movies

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