NYC neighbor sues Madonna over loud music, dancing

Publié le par madonnafansworld

Une voisine de NYC poursuit Madonna en justice pour de la musique forte et de la danse.


NEW YORK – One of Madonna's New York neighbors says the superstar's loud music and frequent dance sessions are causing a commotion.
Karen George, of Manhattan, lives above Madonna in a building on Central Park.
She said in a lawsuit filed Friday against the building's co-op board that the Material Girl is using her apartment as a rehearsal studio, forcing neighbors to endure "blaring music, stomping and shaking walls," for up to three hours each day.
George complained about "unreasonably high-decibel, amplified music" and vibrations pouring through walls, ceilings and radiators.
The building's board says it has already threatened to evict Madonna.
Madonna's representatives didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

Source: AP.

Read also: Madonna is one noisy neighbor, claims upper West Side resident in lawsuit

Lire aussi: Madonna est une voisine bruyante, déclare un résident en justice.


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