Will Madonna be nominated for an Oscar?

Publié le par madonnafansworld

Madonna sera-t-elle nommée pour un Oscar?

By Anthony Lund on 07/03/2011

The singer and occasional actress may be in the running for next year's Acamedy Awards with her directorial debut.
Considering her previous forays into the movie world, the words Madonna and Oscar should only be put together in the sentence, “Madonna is a woman and Oscar is a man.”
That said, her debut directorial film, “W.E.”, has been tipped to pick up an Academy Award nomination next year.
The two layered story of a young woman called Wally Simpson and the relationship between King Edward VIII and Wallace Simpson was expected to be a certain flop, but music producer William Orbit has been the first to say that surprisingly the film is very good.
I’ve watched the film several times and it is really good,” Orbit said of the movie he has provided two pieces of score for. “It’s definitely Oscar worthy and I’m not just saying that.”
So if that is true, it perhaps just means that Madonna is a lot better behind the camera than in front of it. Body of Evidence anyone?

Source: Musicrooms.

Publié dans Movies

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