Madonna in NYC without Guy

Publié le par madonnafansworld

Madonna à New York sans Guy.

June 28, 2008

Things don't seem to be looking too good in the Madonna and Guy Ritchie marriage. There have been rumors going on for some time now that the two are on the rocks but those rumors seem to be at an all time high these past few weeks.
Last night, Madonna went to Manhattan's Kabbalah Centre for Sabbath services with her three kids and Carlos Leon who is Lourdes' biological father. There was no Guy Ritchie in site. Guy was reportedly going to join the family in NY this weekend but Madge was spotted out and about this afternoon without him in site.
Madonna is in NYC rehearsing for her upcoming tour. It must be so hard to rehearse for a tour while her marriage is allegedly falling apart. Guess that's how it is in a life of a workaholic.

Source: Hollyscoop.

Madonna in NYC without Guy

Madonna in NYC without Guy

Madonna in NYC without Guy

Madonna with her kids this afternoon in New York on June 28.
Madonna avec ses enfants cet après-midi à New York le 28 juin.

Publié dans Life

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