A-Rod Donating $500,000 to Madonna's Charity

Publié le par madonnafansworld

A-Rod donne 500,000 $ à la Charité de Madonna.

Monday August 11, 2008

New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez is not willing to talk about the extent of his relationship with Madonna, but he's about to financially back her charity, Raising Malawi, the New York Daily News reports.
"They've asked him for a million dollars, and I hear he's agreed to give at least $500,000," a source told the paper.
(Neither Rodriguez's rep nor Raising Malawi would confirm the item to the Daily News.)
Madonna, 49, found her adopted son David Banda (whose grandmother died Sunday) through her work with Raising Malawi, which benefits the African country's 1 million orphans with food, medicine and education.
Rodriguez's wife Cynthia filed for divorce in July, just six days after Us Weekly broke the news that the slugger, 33, was making late night visits to Madonna's apartment.
Cynthia's attorney, Earle Lilly, has said Rodriguez had an "affair of the heart" with the singer.
"Without talking about specifics of sexual conduct, there's no question," Lilly told Us. "No one very often has pictures of the actual sex itself."
Rodriguez – who is the highest-paid player in the sport with a 10-year $275 million contract – has previously donated $3.9 million to the University of Miami.

Source: Us magazine.

A-Rod Donating $500,000 to Madonna's Charity

Madonna, Alex Rodriguez
Photos: Bill Pugliano/Getty Images; George Napolitano/FilmMagic.

Publié dans Charity

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