Madonna brings Kabbalah rabbi Michael Berg to Rio

Publié le par madonnafansworld

Madonna amène le rabbi de la Cabbale Michael Berg à Rio.

November 10, 2009

Pop star Madonna brought a rabbi on a mysterious visit to Brazil.
With an undisclosed agenda, Madonna landed in Rio de Janeiro on Monday on her private jet for a weeklong trip that might include a visit to social projects and a meeting with governmental officials.
The singer brought along the Kabbalah Centre’s Rabbi Michael Berg, her partner in the Raising Malawi project, and who also will co-produce a documentary to be filmed in Rio about children and youths that overcome poverty through music and dance, according to Brazilian media.
It is not known if Berg will meet Kabbalah followers in the city.
Madonna has not announced an official agenda, though a meeting with Rio Governor Sergio Cabral and Mayor Eduardo Paes is expected on Wednesday.
She will visit several projects here,” Cabral said. “She is delighted by the city and wants to be engaged and help.”

Source: Jewish Journal.

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