Madonna in Subway in New York - September 7, 2010

Publié le par madonnafansworld

Madonna dans le métro à New York - 7 septembre 2010.

Shocker: Madonna Actually Rode the Subway Yesterday
By Brian Moylan
Sep 8, 2010 12:45 PM 6,755

Yesterday, Madonna actually deigned to take the subway, New York's most proletariat conveyance. When she's in town, you might expect to see her going to Pilates or an adoption agency or something. But the subway? How could we miss this?

Source: Gawker.

Madonna -- Like a Subway Commuter
9/8/2010 4:45 AM PDT by Johnny Lopez

New Yorkers are used to seeing all kinds of things on the subway, but yesterday one of the most bizarre incidents ever happened ... Madonna rode public transportation.
The super-fit 52-year-old really does like to train.

Source: TMZ.

Madonna in Subway in New York - September 7, 2010
Madonna in Subway in New York - September 7, 2010

Publié dans Movies

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